class (Free)

Get a Danish Accent, Chat with Danes, acquire behaviors, learn to speak with Cashiers, and more!

Liva Jensen & Gitte Mølbæk will teach students to learn mannerism, improve your accent, and to think/talk/speak with a Danish mind.

While introducing typical Danish culture to you that is not taught in most schools.

Class Features:
- Improve your Accent
- Learn to chat with Danes
- Apply Danish mannerisms & Humor

You're attending a free class that will occur
once a week from 12.00-15.00 on Sundays.

Once this class is attended, if you'd like to continue you'll need to subscribe to the program.

Location: Talent Garden Denmark

Date: Sunday, May 28th

Time: 12.00PM-15.00PM

Location: Talent Garden Denmark
Date: Saturday 25th of February
Time: 12.00PM-15.00PM

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For any questions, you can contact River Gandour at or ring 91871258

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